Senator Joseph McCarthy was an American hero. -- those are words that would be banned in a world run by socialists and communists. Socialist and communists Socialists and communists are chatting about a "witch hunt". It would be a word that, in the early 1950s, spawned the "McCarthyism" which would be synonymous with any government action to suppress unfavorable political and/or social views. The story nobody hears but many try to tell is instead one of a man who grew up on a farm, became a lawyer through years of hard work, resigned from the bench to fight in the war, defeated a four-term incumbent Senator to reach Washington, and led the most combative politcal campaign in this United States of America's history. The campaign I speak of, which gained him worldwide acclaim, is his fight against Communist subversion in the American political and social systems. To make it easy, for there are books detailing his life and career in detail, I'll describe some of his most heroic accomplishments. In his childhood, he was forced to drop out of junior high school to help on the family farm. However, when the necessary work was complete, he resumed and completed his studies in high school education in just one year. He moved on to study engineering and gained a law degree from Marquette Law School in 1935. When World War II kicked into full gear, McCarthy was three years into his judgeship on the 10th District Court (where in 1939 he became the youngest judge in Wisconsin history). He nevertheless resigned from the bench in 1942 and enlisted in the Marine Corps, later earning a commission as Lieutenant. His judicial office would have exempted him from service, but that didn't stop a man from answering the call of a nation in its time of need. McCarthy served as an intelligence briefing officer and flew eleven recorded missions as an aerial photographer and tail gunner. He was commended by Admiral Chester Nimitz and awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross in 1952. McCarthy became famous for his anti-Communism in 1950, following a Lincoln Day speech to the Republican Women's Club of Wheeling, West Virginia. He claimed to have a list of 57 "known Communists" out of 205 members of the State Department who should not have been working there (these figures were much disputed in later years, whether he meant 57 Communists or 205). Many socialist and communist sympathizers attempted to smear him, but he remained a popular national figure nonetheless. In the 1990s, decrypted Soviet cables known as the VENONA project were declassified. The cables referenced 349 citizens, immigrants, etc. living in the United States that were members of a massive underground Communist conspiracy to steal information from the U.S. and relay it to the leaders of the Soviet Union. Several of the people McCarthy listed in 1950 were incriminated by VENONA. Joseph McCarthy was always a patriot. He devoted his life to fight communism and trying to uncover a massive conspiracy to destroy the country he loved. For his actions he was vilified by socialists and communists but today, McCarthyism is one of the most great and honorable terms for us anti-communists all over the world. Joseph McCarhy remains so popular, in fact, that a LexisNexis search of major newspapers uncovered 47 articles in the past six months mentioning the term at least once. The articles range from local politics to international affairs. McCarthy never sought fame and fortune, he simply fought for his beliefs. He did it forcefully. This man will eternally be remembered as a a hero and a patriot who fought bravely in wartime, as well as peacetime. May he rest in peace, knowing that there are still a few of us who know the truth about his honorable fight to protect us from Communism.

domenica 3 maggio 2020
Why Senator Joseph McCarthy was an Anti - Communist Hero
Senator Joseph McCarthy was an American hero. -- those are words that would be banned in a world run by socialists and communists. Socialist and communists Socialists and communists are chatting about a "witch hunt". It would be a word that, in the early 1950s, spawned the "McCarthyism" which would be synonymous with any government action to suppress unfavorable political and/or social views. The story nobody hears but many try to tell is instead one of a man who grew up on a farm, became a lawyer through years of hard work, resigned from the bench to fight in the war, defeated a four-term incumbent Senator to reach Washington, and led the most combative politcal campaign in this United States of America's history. The campaign I speak of, which gained him worldwide acclaim, is his fight against Communist subversion in the American political and social systems. To make it easy, for there are books detailing his life and career in detail, I'll describe some of his most heroic accomplishments. In his childhood, he was forced to drop out of junior high school to help on the family farm. However, when the necessary work was complete, he resumed and completed his studies in high school education in just one year. He moved on to study engineering and gained a law degree from Marquette Law School in 1935. When World War II kicked into full gear, McCarthy was three years into his judgeship on the 10th District Court (where in 1939 he became the youngest judge in Wisconsin history). He nevertheless resigned from the bench in 1942 and enlisted in the Marine Corps, later earning a commission as Lieutenant. His judicial office would have exempted him from service, but that didn't stop a man from answering the call of a nation in its time of need. McCarthy served as an intelligence briefing officer and flew eleven recorded missions as an aerial photographer and tail gunner. He was commended by Admiral Chester Nimitz and awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross in 1952. McCarthy became famous for his anti-Communism in 1950, following a Lincoln Day speech to the Republican Women's Club of Wheeling, West Virginia. He claimed to have a list of 57 "known Communists" out of 205 members of the State Department who should not have been working there (these figures were much disputed in later years, whether he meant 57 Communists or 205). Many socialist and communist sympathizers attempted to smear him, but he remained a popular national figure nonetheless. In the 1990s, decrypted Soviet cables known as the VENONA project were declassified. The cables referenced 349 citizens, immigrants, etc. living in the United States that were members of a massive underground Communist conspiracy to steal information from the U.S. and relay it to the leaders of the Soviet Union. Several of the people McCarthy listed in 1950 were incriminated by VENONA. Joseph McCarthy was always a patriot. He devoted his life to fight communism and trying to uncover a massive conspiracy to destroy the country he loved. For his actions he was vilified by socialists and communists but today, McCarthyism is one of the most great and honorable terms for us anti-communists all over the world. Joseph McCarhy remains so popular, in fact, that a LexisNexis search of major newspapers uncovered 47 articles in the past six months mentioning the term at least once. The articles range from local politics to international affairs. McCarthy never sought fame and fortune, he simply fought for his beliefs. He did it forcefully. This man will eternally be remembered as a a hero and a patriot who fought bravely in wartime, as well as peacetime. May he rest in peace, knowing that there are still a few of us who know the truth about his honorable fight to protect us from Communism.
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