venerdì 8 maggio 2020

Attacks against farmers and murders in South Africa

South African farm murders have long been a niche cause, and the country has made headlines again due to a South African government plan to seize the land of white farmers under the guise of “South African land reform.. News of these farm murders and land seizures have gained steam with the release of Lauren Southern’s documentary Farmlands. And United States' President Donald Trump has brought even more attention to the plight of Afrikaners with his tweet that he would be looking into the South African land and farm seizure. Most people don’t know much about the history of South Africa beyond the simplistic communist and socialist propaganda: white South Africans bad, ANC good. The current situation of South Africa, however, is much more complex. The history begins, in 1950, with a term: communism. The African National Congress is not a democratic-liberal organization. The ANC was closest ally of the South African Communist Party. Especially, Nelson Mandela was not only a member of the SACP, he served on its Central Committee, something he denied for decades.  What’s more, the SACP and the ANC have partnered in forming Umkhonto we Sizwe (“Spear of the Nation”), the paramilitary wing of the communist movement.  The average person on the street likely thinks that Nelson Mandela was imprisoned simply for being black or opposing apartheid. In fact, he was imprisoned for a bombing campaign carried out by Umkhonto we Sizwe, of which he was the head. In fact, Nelson Mandela was convicted of 193 acts of terrorism. He was offered his freedom multiple times on the simple condition that he condemn terrorist attacks against the south african government. He refused every time. The farms attacks have their root in this era when soviet-backed communist insurgents were attempting to “liberate” southern Africa from pro-Western governments; within South Africa, the farms Attacks were specifically part of an ANC attempt to terrorize white farmers off the land, as the ANC’s military wing sought to make South Africa ungovernable.  In 1994, the African National Congress took power in South Africa. At this time, its paramilitary organization was integrated into the country’s regular defense forces. Convicted bomber Robert McBride, praised by no less than IRA terrorist Martin McGuinness, is the Executive Director of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate. The term “rape gate” entered sadly popular parlance as South Africans installed panic room doors on their bedrooms. Crime is the main reason for emigration from South Africa. The 2013 murder rate was seven times that of the United States, the 11th highest in the world. Between 2005 and 2015, over 200,000 South Africans were murdered – this in a country of about 50 million. There were over 17,000 murders in 2013 alone. Compare this to just over 14,000 in the United States during the same year, despite the fact that South Africa’s population is approximately equivalent to two states – California and Texas.This is only the official murder rate. Many suspect that the rate is higher. Quality of public services has likewise deteriorated, with rolling blackouts being the norm in South Africa.  It is currently twice as dangerous to be a South African farmer than a South African police officer. The murder rate of white South African farmers is three times that of  the South African Police Service (SAPS) officers, and five times the South African average. Furthermore, research by Cristopher Gumbi suggests government or SAPS complicity.  The murder rate among South African farmers is three times that of the standard murder rate in South Africa, which is already one of the highest in the world.  The government claims the motives for the farm attacks are robbery. However, this does not pass muster. Farm attacks frequently include raping the female members of the household – including young children – while forcing the male members of the household to watch. The victims are often then tortured to death in front of each other. Farmers claim police response to these attacks is sluggish at best and nonexistent at worse. The South African police did not collect statistics on attacks and murders on farms and smallholdings prior to 1997.A number of agricultural organisations did, however. The South African Agricultural Union (now Agri SA) registered 677 murders and 3,065 attacks between 1991 and 1997. In 1997, the police’s Crime Information Analysis Centre (CIAC) began collecting data on farm attacks, but told the 2003 committee of inquiry that it did not believe that every crime was being recorded.  In 1998, the police’s National Operational Coordinating Committee began collecting farm attacks and murders statistics of their own.  The 2003 committee of inquiry into farm attacks concluded that none of the statistics collected between 1991 to 2001 were completely accurate. The South African police collected and released statistics on farm attacks and murders until 2006/07 but did not release statistics again until 2010/11. Farm murders shows an alarming picture. Farm murders increased by 34% to 68 in 2012/2013 compared to the 50 murders in 2011/2012. Farm attacks increased from 112 cases to 176 cases. Farm attacks in fact are violent crimes against people and not on property.  According to the South African police, 47 farm murders were reported in 2018/19. They have not released the number of farm attacks.The police’s latest statistics show that there were 62 farm murders in 2017/18. The South African government, dominated by the communist-backed African National Congress (ANC), has responded to the surging wave of racist murders by denying the phenomenon, implausibly claiming that many of the attacks are simply regular crimes. Given the non-existent statistics for some years and all the drastic government minimizations, since 1994 more than 300 000 people have been murdered (328 244) in South Africa. Since 1994 more than 3.000 farmers and farm workers have been murdered in more than 10.000 farm attacks. The government claims the motives for the farm attacks are robbery. However, this does not pass muster. Farm attacks frequently include raping the female members of the household – including young children – while forcing the male members of the household to watch. The victims are often then tortured to death in front of each other. Farmers claim police response to these attacks is sluggish at best and nonexistent at worse. What’s more, the attacks on white farmers in South Africa tend to have pitched levels of brutality about them. It’s worth mentioning some of the more violent attacks on farmers at least in passing:

In 2012, a 12-year-old boy was drowned in boiling water after watching both his parents murdered and his mother raped.

A 56-year-old grandmother was gang raped during a robbery netting approximately $2,000.

Five men sexually assaulted a woman in front of her 5-year-old son over the course of an hour and a half.

Over the course of six hours, a woman was tortured by having her skin cut off, raped and had her feet power drilled.

A 66-year-old man was beaten to death in front of his wife. She escaped being gang raped by saying that she had HIV.

Bedridden Alice Lotter, 76, and her daughter Helen, 57 were tortured to death over several hours, including by being stabbed in the genitals with a broken glass bottle. One had one of her breasts removed while still alive. “Kill the Boer” was painted on the wall in their blood.

Knowledge Mandlazi went on a killing spree in 2014, murdering five whites and stating that “My hate for white people made me rob and kill."

The atrocities committed on South African whites during farm murders, house robberies, car hijackings and the shooting of children, even toddlers, point to a disturbing form of ethnic cleansing going on in the country. Another common form of farm attack is the land invasion. In one example, 100 men began squatting land. The farmer left.  Far from being a “white nationalist conspiracy theory,” farm attacks have been reported on and denounced by Human Rights Watch and former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbot. Afriforum, a wing of Christian trade union Solidarity, likewise reports on farm attacks regularly. Anti-white racism is a popular current in mainstream South African politics. The song “Kill the Farmer, Kill the Boer” is still publicly sung, despite this being declared a hate crime. The traditional means of protecting rural South Africans, the commando units, were disbanded in 2003, leaving many South African farmers with no protection. Anti-white attacks in South Africa is very real and very mainstream. Here are a few examples:

Velaphi Khumalo, a government official, stated on Facebook in 2016: “White people in South Africa deserve to be hacked and killed.”

Ekurhuleni EFF (The Economic Freedom Fighters, a far-left political party in South Africa that has pushed the South African government to seize land from white farmers. The EFF is the third-largest party in South Africa, but is poised to become the second) Leader Mampuru Mampuru posted on Facebook in 2018: "We need to unite as black People, there are less than 5 million whites in South Africa vs 45 million of us. We can kill all this white within two weeks."

Major M.V Mohlala, a senior official in the South African National Defense Forces, said of the murder of a 76-year-old white professor: "It is your turn now, white people… [he] should have had his eyes and tongue cut out so that the faces of his attackers would be the last thing he sees." He received a mere warning of future disciplinary action.

The EFF’s national leader Julius Malema stated in 2018: “Go after a white Man... We are cutting the throat of whiteness."

It’s not surprising that some South Africans have begun getting trained by Israeli commandos to protect themselves and their property. The present South African Constitution has for a long time allowed for Soviet-style expropriations of farms without compensation. Zulu lands are specifically exempted. Still, despite the fact that farm seizures are precisely the means by which Zimbabwe ended up in such a failed state, there seems to be no stopping farm seizures in South Africa. The current President Cyril Ramaphosa, from the ruling ANC, has denied large-scale killings of white farmers but civil rights organization AfriForum conducted an analysis of  the South African Police Service (SAPS) statistics, confirming that Farm Attacks are on the rise, contrary to recent media claims. Concerned South Africans are trying to bring international attention to this matter; in May 2019, one South African emailed the staff of South Carolina’s Senator Lindsey Graham:

“There is a white genocide going on … and we all have been living in fear and anticipation. Elderly are being raped, tortured and murdered … for something as petty as a phone. Our farmers are being slaughtered.”

Since the quasi-communist takeover of South Africa in 1994 and with the country since moving further and further to the Left, genocide has also started to appear as a fundamental characteristic of the so-called “new South Africa”. Intolerance towards the Afrikaner ethnic group, the Afrikaans language, literature and culture have grown rapidly. Many communists regard the Afrikaans language in itself as “offensive” and therefore want it banned from the public domain. Afrikaans place names too have been systematically removed from towns, streets, buildings and other places. It comes from the revolutionary communism.To communism and his followers, the Afrikaner’s love of his language and culture, his patriotic attachment to South Africa, his pride in his intellectual and economic achievements must be cancelled. The continued existence of some Afrikaans schools, churches, cultural associations and so on, is seen as a reactionary refusal to bend to the will of the revolutionary Left that conquered the country in 1994. The Afrikaner must therefore be punished for his dissidence and his children preferably brainwashed into accepting the dissolution of their culture and identity, as well  as their integration into a kind of multicultural multitude. Communism is a ideology. that  demands total revolution: a radical change in the whole world and all culture. t may stigmatise a culture as useless and even pernicious. If one cannot destroy the culture itself, its bearers may always be physically eliminated. Within the communist mind, all of this is perfectly logical. The communists purveyors of hate produce the hate crimes, creating a climate in which killing Afrikaners is seen to be permissible, even desirable.  Tihs is a genocide. “The international legal definition of the crime of genocide is found in Articles II and III of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide.
Article II describes two elements of the crime of genocide:

The mental element, meaning the “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such” and the physical element which includes five acts described in sections a, b, c, d and e.  A crime must include both elements to be called “genocide.”;

Killing members of the group;

Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, includes inflicting trauma on members of the group through widespread torture, rape, sexual violence, forced or coerced use of drugs, and mutilation;

Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

What is happening to South Africa’s white farmers meets these criteria.

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